Saturday, 29 August 2009


A farmer perpares rats caught in a nearby rice field Saturday for a stir-fried dinner in Takeo province. Many say paddy rats are tasty, as opposed to inedible city rats. For more, go to to see last year's audio slideshow on hunting and grilling rat.

Pictures source:

Rats… To many rats are a disgusting creature that we cannot wait to have killed or removed.

However in Cambodia, no rat is left to waste… especially not when inflation has increased the cost of meat almost double in the last year.

Many Cambodians already believed rat meat to be a great source of protein and a tasty little snack when gathered together drinking, but the popularity of the meat really began to increase when beef hit around $10 a pound.

At around $2.50 a pound, rat meat favorites like the garlic-flavored field rat have quickly replaced the standard beef dishes.

“Not only are our poor eating it, but there is also demand from Vietnamese living on the border with us.” said an agricultural official from Koh Thom.

Not only have the locals saved money by eating more rat meat, they have also been able to earn more money by catching rats and making them table-ready.


  1. so good site for news, could you put my link in your blog list?
    I hope you would be kind to put my link in your great site

    best regards,

  2. From the look of the woman and people seen in here, they pretty much look like Vietnamese. Also from previous and reports and accounts, Cambodian farmers would catch these rice field rats then sell them by tons to Vietnamese in Vietnam for cooking in their favorite special dish.

  3. Have been looking to for email address so a work or two can be sent to CAAI News Media saying that this blog is one of the very few best for International and Khmer news. Unlike another blog that won't be named here is full of agenda and is quite incendiary. A good number of blogger over there sure don't know how to express themselves and get their points across. But one thing that they are expedient at is cursing/bashing one another. The site admin couldn't careless of that and most probably is encouraging it. Hope don't see that kind of behavior here. So please keep up the excellent work and thank you. By the way, sometimes you have captivating photos of Cambodia and the people that really make me Srok Khmer. Good Stuff!!!
