Tuesday, 11 August 2009

VN, Cambodia agree on ‘special rapport’


PHNOM PENH — The commissions for external relations of the Central Committees of the Communist Party of Viet Nam and the Cambodian People’s Party are to jointly work to further co-operation and strengthen relations between their parties.

This was agreed at talks in Phnom Penh on Sunday during a working visit by the Vietnamese commission led by its head Hoang Binh Quan, which ends today.

During the talks, the two sides outlined their political and economic situations and shared experiences on external activities.

The Cambodians agreed to a proposal to increase high-level meetings to exchange views and experiences and work to educate and provide information which would help people from both nations learn more about the traditional relationship.

They also agreed to work to prevent hostile forces from distorting and destroying their special rapport.

The Vietnamese delegation also visited Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni, and met Cambodian People’s Party Chairman and Senate President Chea Sim, CPP Honorary Chairman and National Assembly Chairman Heng Samrin, and CPP Vice Chairman and Prime Minister Hun Sen. — VNS

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