Monday, 7 September 2009

Baby Killed, Mother Injured by Fire

Written by DAP NEWS -- Sunday, 06 September 2009

A two-old-month child was killed on Friday and her mother injured in a fire caused by her father who was drunk.

The fire took place in Chhuk village, Son Dan district, Kampong Thom province. This fire was caused by head of the household who returned drunk and then escaped from the scene. He was arrested by local police later.

According to the local police report, the offender who burnt his own house was Roeun You, aged 23. He killed his only daughter aged two months, who had yet to be named.

“This family live in a small house sized 4 by 5 meters, and both walls and roof were covered by palm tree leaves,” said the local police. “This offender always drank after his wife delivered her daughter.”

“Just a moment before the accident, the offender had a row with her drunken husband, and the husband got away and then burnt the house,” the police confirmed, adding that “While the fire was burning, the mother of the child escaped without bringing her daughter.”

The mother of the child was rushed to hospital while still alive, but she was too seriously injured to survive.

After a careful house to house search, the offender was arrested about 10km from his house.

The police are preparing documents to send the offender to the court.

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