Saturday, 12 September 2009

Cambodia Criticizes US Human Rights Commission

Written by DAP NEWS -- Saturday, 12 September 2009

Cambodian citizens made a joint statement criticizing the US-based Human Rights Commission headed by US senator Tom Lantos that has claimed human rights violations have occurred in Cambodia.

The joint statement signed by 42 people in the US state of Massch-usetts called the Human Rights Com- mission one sided, as their meeting only invited opposition party (SRP) officials and other NGOs affiliated with the SRP.

The commission is working on preventing human right abuses.

The Cambodian ambassador to the US said that he was not invited to attend the commission’s meeting. “I was not invited to attend this meeting,” Hem Heng told DAP News Cambodia on Friday.

However, Cambodia authorities issued a 10-point statement citing the human rights situation in Cambodia.

The rights commission on Sep-tember 10, invited only Mu Sochua, SRP sub secretary-general, Adhoc Human Rights Center Director Pong Chheang Ngek, and Labor Program Organization Director Moeun Tola. “This meeting only heard one side due to opposition opinions, not the discussion of the real situation in Cambodia,” said a statement sent to DAP News Cambodia.

The statement added that the Cambodian Government is preparing and adopting law, policy and some measure to solve any matters. “Even though the Government is making efforts to achieve this goal, some negatives points will appear, but the Government is patient,” the statement read.

“US senators participated the meeting took a middle stance and they appreciated the Cambodian Government’s performance, clarifying that to work in a democratic way is not easy,” Hem Heng said.

The ambassador added that US senator Jim Moran had said at the event that, though he criticized some land disputes in Cambodia, he admired the Government, which he said has cooperated very well with the US Government, especially on child trafficking.

A member of the World Asia-Pacific Environment Commission of the Foreign Assembly
Commission, Eni Faleomavaega, also lauded Cambodia’s efforts.

“Even though the meeting was only invited one side, it does not affect the US senator,” the ambassador added.

Cambodian citizens’ statements suggested the Tom Lantos commission should improve by following fair guidelines to listen US foreign affairs. Secondly, it should avoid implementation of one sided foreign affairs, especially listening only to opposition party sources. Thirdly, it should cooperate with Cambodia and the region to ensure political stability, security and economic development.

The SRP secretary-general did not release any official statement. “The party has not got any details reports for this matter as we are waiting for the delegation to return to Cambodia,” Keo Sovannaroth told DAP News Cambodia on Friday.

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