Monday, 14 September 2009

China owes its success to political stability: Hun Sen

PHNOM PENH, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) -- China's success is mainly credited to its political stability, which has also contributed to regional and world peace and development, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said.

Hun Sen spoke highly of the Communist Party of China's governance of the country, in a recent written interview with Xinhua.

"I highly commend the wise and professional leadership of the Communist Party of China, which takes China's population of 1.3 billion to a sustained and rapid economic growth," Hun Sen said.

"I have also observed that since early this year, Chinese leaders have taken firm and effective actions" in dealing with natural disasters and the global economic crisis, he said.

Hun Sen said China has formed its own social, economic and political development model, which features high adaptability between the political system and economic activities.

Such adaptability has become more manifest in the country's efforts to address the global economic crisis. "This model is considered socialism with Chinese characteristics," he said.

In the international arena, "China deals with problems with more professional and accountable ways by adhering to the international standards and this bring regional stability," he said.

"I believes that the stability and development in China is not only good for China, but also benefit the regional and global economy," Hun Sen said.
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Editor: Lin Zhi

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