Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Deputy PM visits Cambodia


A high-level Vietnamese delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister Truong Vinh Trong began an official visit to Cambodia on September 21 to step up bilateral cooperation in preventing and combating drugs and HIV/AIDS.

From September 21-24, the deputy PM and his delegation will meet with Cambodia’s Deputy Prime Minister Ke Kim Yan, and other senior officials.

Deputy PM Trong is expected to visit the Aukas Khnhom drug detoxification centre in Phnompenh, and present a quantity of medicine to the Cambodian National Steering Committee for Drug Prevention and Control to help drug addicts detoxify.

Currently, Cambodia wants to work closer with Vietnam and exchange information on preventing trans-national drug traffickers, building drug free communes in border areas and drug detoxification centres as well as exchanging methods of training staff who specialise in drug and HIV/AIDS prevention and control.

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