Sunday, 6 September 2009

Five Years in Prison for Would-be Assassin

Written by dap-news
Saturday, 05 September 2009

Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Friday ruled to imprison man for five years over the planned assassination of a lawmaker.

A convicted man, Rous Sovan, aged 27, was arrested January 13, 2008 in Chamkar Mon district, Phnom Penh after evidence that the man was willing to assassinate a lawmaker of the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) in Kampong Cham province, Ngen Kim Sreng.

The verdict was declared already in 2008, but the court prosecutors ruled to postpone the sentence pending a full psychiatric evaluation by a qua- lified doctor as there had been suggestions the suspect was mentally ill.

“This offender has a mental problem. He could not sleep, has headaches, speaks in a low voice, just nods, but he was able to remember his mother’s phone number,” the doctor testified in the courtroom. “Therefore, it shows that he has enough mental ability.”

The offender’s mother said in the courtroom that “My son, named Rous Sovan had a mental problem as his father hit his head in the past time.”

“Also, when he was 16 years old, he fell out of a tree and when he was 18 years old, some gangers hit him and he passed out,” the mother added.

However, the prosecutor ruled that Rous Sovan is mentally competent enough to face his sentence as he could remember his mother’s phone number.

“My client is really a mental problem man as sitting in the courtroom; he said nothing,” the convicted man’s lawyer said. “We want to see clearly that if my client has a mental problem or not, and are requesting expert doctors check him again.”

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