Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Headline of the day

Cambodia: Details are Sketchy

September 15, 2009

From the Cambodia Daily: Hell Awaits Those Who Lie, Hun Sen Says

People who go overseas to tell “lies” about Cambodia could end up in the lowest level of hell, Prime Minister Hun Sen said in a speech yesterday.

The premier added that people in foreign countries now have access to television feeds from Cambodia, and would not be tricked by the “liars.”

Prime Minister Hun Sen was referring to his recent trip to Europe, where he told foreign leaders that Cambodia has great respect for human rights and the rule of law. Hun Sen did not name names in his speech, but everyone knows who he was talking about. Last week, Mu Sochua, Licadho President Kek Pung, and Moeun Tola of the Community Legal Education Center spoke to the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in Washington D.C. Topics included forced evictions, the recent arrests of Cambodian journalists, and government lawsuits aimed at silencing its critics

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