Thursday, 3 September 2009

Over 100 Protesters Ask Hun Sen for Right to Remain

Written by DAP NEWS -- Thursday, 03 September 2009

Over 100 Cambodians protested at Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen’s house on Wednesday asking not to be evicted from land they claim is rightfully theirs’.

About 104 families have asked to PM Hun Sen to intervene because local authorities, want to move houses to develop parks, a protester representative told DAP News Cambodia. “We lived there for 20 years with no one opposing us. But the Interior Ministry announced we must leave this area because the Cambodian Government needs to develop, but there has been no clear solution for us.”

“We filed this case since 2005, but got no good result from local authority,” the representative added. “We attempted to call Phnom Penh Municipality to discuss and resolve this, but they had three main demands: all residents must remove houses away by ourselves, second, Phnom Penh Municipality will remove away all houses or buildings then give us a chance to file a complain to court later. If we win, the Phnom Penh Municipality will decide to remove along the Russia Federation road only, but not along Chaum Chao road.”

The case seemed to die down when authorities agreed to a deal but the latest flareup came because protestors are “very worried about this case, so we decided to ask to PM Hun Sen to help for us.”

“We would like to ask to PM Hun Sen may give full right to us to live in this area with legal land certificates,” a protester representative requested.

Lim Leang Se, a member of PM Hun Sen’s Cabinet, pledged that Phnom Penh Municipality will find a good result.

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