Tuesday, 8 September 2009


Cambodia: Details are Sketchy
September 7, 2009

Prime Minister Hun Sen is frightened of another civil war, and he wants you to be frightened too.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen renewed his criticism of the country’s U.N.-backed Khmer Rouge tribunal Monday, warning that arresting more suspects could spark civil war.

Hun Sen spoke in response to last week’s ruling by the tribunal allowing prosecutors to pursue further arrests. The matter had been in contention because the Cambodian co-prosecutor opposed the idea, while his international counterpart supported it. …

“I would like to tell you that if you prosecute (more leaders) without thinking beforehand about national reconciliation and peace, and if war breaks out again and kills 20,000 or 30,000 people, who will responsible?” Hun Sen said.

The arrest of Ieng Sary did not spark an uprising, so the specter of troops amassing for a commander of lesser rank seems a bit paranoid, really. Or manufactured. Considering the source, though, it’s hard to say which.

Posted by DAS

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