Thursday, 15 October 2009

Cambodia to raise border spat

'Because there is no answer from Thailand to my official proposal, Cambodia still considers that Prime Minister Hun Sen can raise the dispute in the Asean summit,'said Mr Hor Namhong. -- PHOTO: AP

(Post by CAAI News Media)

PHNOM PENH - CAMBODIA'S foreign minister said on Wednesday that premier Hun Sen will raise the Thai border spat at an upcoming regional summit despite opposition from Thailand, which is hosting the meeting.

'The prime minister will raise the issue in the (Association of South-east Asian Nations) Asean summit,' Mr Hor Namhong told reporters.

He said the dispute - which has sparked several deadly troop skirmishes - remained up for discussion at Asean since Thailand had not officially responded to his proposal to include it in the Oct 23-25 summit.

'Because there is no answer from Thailand to my official proposal, Cambodia still considers that Prime Minister Hun Sen can raise the dispute in the Asean summit,' Mr Hor Namhong said at a press conference.

The spat focuses on an area of land around the 11th century Preah Vihear temple, where clashes have killed seven soldiers since last year.

Mr Hor Namhong added that Cambodia was willing to raise the issue in other international bodies, including the United Nations Security Council, and accused Thailand of delaying a resolution to the dispute. -- AFP

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