Monday, 5 October 2009

KRT’s Case 001 Ends November 23

Written by Administrator -- Monday, 05 October 2009
(Post by CAAI News Media)

The Extraordinary Chamber s in the Cuncil of Cambodia, mandated with bringing to justice the leaders of the ruthless Democratic Kampuchea regime, has scheduled the closing statements in Case 001 against Kaing Guek Eav, also know as ‘Duch’, for Monday 23 November.

The closing statements in the case of the former head of the infamous KR S21 ‘re-education’ centre – a former school – will at the latest conclude on November 27, according to a Khmer Rouge Tribunal (KET) press release on Saturday. Closing statements by civil parties through their lawyers have 5 hours allotted on November 25, the press release said, adding that closing statements from co-prosecutors are scheduled to take 5 hours on Tuesday November 24.

November 25-26 will see closing statements from defense lawyers and the Accused in the days’ allocated 7.5 hours.

After closing statements from the defense layers and the accused, lawyers for civil parties and co-prosecutors will be provided the opportunity to make rebuttal statements limited to maximum of one hour respectively. Defence lawyers and/or the Accused will be given one hour to make final statements, the KRT added.

The hearing will at the latest end by 3.30pm on November 27.

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