Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Local man wins Developing Asia reporting award

Photo by: Phen Raksmey

Sithav An poses with an award for economics reporting.

Photo by: Phen Raksmey
At the Developing Asia Journalism Awards.

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

Wednesday, 28 October 2009 15:01 Phen Raksmey

Sithav An, a reporter for Economics Today magazine, has won a 2009 Developing Asia Journalism Award.

At the awards ceremony October 23 at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan in Tokyo, Sithav An was handed first prize in the category focusing on the poverty impact of the global financial crisis. Sithav An beat journalists from across developing Asia and the Pacific to take the award.

Sithav said he was surprised to hear his story, “Not Working”, the lead piece in the June issue of Economics Today, was worthy of a place among the finalists.

“I was very pleased that I was selected as a finalist of 2009 Developing Asia Journalist Award, and then as the winner of poverty impact of the global financial crisis among the journalists of the Asia-Pacific region,” he said. “I do not believe I could be recognised internationally with two years’ experience as journalist, but now I am a representative of Cambodia who won first place.”

Sithav, who began work at Economics Today in September 2007, reports mostly on development. “I think journalists should report current issues,” he said.

Parista Yuthamanop of the Bangkok Post took second place in the same category, with Yoke Heong Chee of Malaysia’s Third World Network taking third. Sam Campbell, managing editor of Economics Today, said the award reflected the magazine’s dedication to providing accurate and balanced information related to development, macroeconomic and business issues.

“We are all very proud of Sithav’s achievement in winning this award,” he said. “We hope this marks the beginning of an increased awareness of our publication and recognition of our role as the premier business magazine in Cambodia.”

Economics Today is published twice monthly and covers regional and international economics and financial news.

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