Monday, 12 October 2009

Myanmar official visits

(Post by CAAI News Media)

Monday, 12 October 2009 15:03 Vong Sokheng

THE commander-in-chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, Pol Saroeun, met with Myanmar’s chief of security affairs last week in a bid to maintain the developing relations between Cambodia and Myanmar.

Meakh Sina, personal assistant to Pol Saroeun, said Sunday that the official meeting with Myanmar’s chief of security affairs, Ye Myint, was to discuss general military concerns, strengthen cooperation between the two countries and improve the standard of armed forces in the region.

“Cambodia and Myanmar have a ... similar culture, so we have to continue developing our relations,” Meakh Sina said.

Pol Saroeun also spoke with his Myanmar counterpart about Cambodia’s ongoing border conflict with Thailand at the Preah Vihear temple, as well as Thailand’s border conflicts with both Myanmar and Malaysia.

“As a member of ASEAN, why would Thailand create border conflicts with its neighboring countries?” Pol Saroeun asked Ye Myint, Meakh Sina told the Post.

Meakh Sina added that there was no principal focus to the discussion, which took place at the Army Secretary General Headquarters in Phnom Penh, Meakh Sina said.

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