Monday, 12 October 2009

No Surprises for Cambodia in Thai Proposal

Written by DAP NEWS -- Monday, 12 October 2009
(Post by CAAI News Media)

High-ranking Cambodian officials on Saturday responded to Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya proposal to establish a dispute settling mechanism between the neighbors at an AEAN Summit to be held on October 23-25.

Kasit on Thursday said that Thailand will propose establishing a mechanism to settle conflicts among ASEAN members during the summit to held at the Thai seaside resorts of Cha-am and Hua Hin, according to Thai news agencies this week.

The Thai foreign minister expressed hope that the mechanism will help solve border disputes between Thailand and Cambodia.

Cambodian Border Committee President Var Kimhong told DAP News Cambodia on Saturday that “This does not make me surprised as we shouldn’t forget that the present border committee was established by both Governments while former Thai Prime Minister Chaun Likphai was in the same party as Kasit.”

“Thai party wants to avoid … [I]t doesn’t surprise me at all as the Thai party used to be avoid one time as Cambodia filed complaint to the international court but they disagreed,” Var Kimhong added. Kasit said that the Thai Government has “negotiation frameworks which adhere to peaceful approaches and avoid any use of violence.”

“I affirm that we have not yet lost the contested 4.6 square kilometers land and negotiation is the best way to solve this conflict,” Kasit was quoted by TNA as saying.

Var Kimhong warned that strong arm tactics will not wash. “If they force us to follow them, we will not follow at all.”

Var Kimhong noted that Thailand initially supported Cambodia’s successful attempt to have Preah Vihear inscribed as a UNECO World Heritage Site, but in following months withdrew their support.

Kasit reaffirmed that there is no conflict of interest, nor any secrets, in tackling the border dispute. He insisted everything can be examined and urged the public to trust the Thai Government’s sincere intention to solve the dispute.

“I urge everyone not to stir up troubles which could lead to international conflict,” said Kasit.

Preah Vihear was inscribed as a UNECO World Heritage Site on July 7, 2008. About two weeks afterwards, Thai soldiers encroached illegally upon Cambodia territory. Both soldiers faced off for over a year, with sporadic firefights and accidents resulting in several death and injuries.

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