Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Parliament Holds Budget Seminar

Written by DAP NEWS -- Wednesday, 28 October 2009

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

The Cambodian Parliament on Tuesday held a Processing Budget Monitoring (PBM) seminar presided over by President of the Cambodian Parliament Heng Samrin.

Director of Economic Committee and Auditor for Banking and Financ- ing Cheam Yeap stated in the seminar that there were three main strategies to process planning: preparation budget planning (from March to May), Packing Budget (from June to September) and Adopted Budget (from October to December).

The seminar was a tool to promote democracy, better public accountancy standards, fight against corruption and reduce poverty, Cheam Yeap said.

In the 30 years Cambodia has had to recovery from the Pol Pot regime, “we have full right to live and work as well as to rebuild our country to be developed,” he added.

He stressed that all ministries related to budget planning should summit proposal and earning and expenditure records to the Ministry of Finance and Economics before July 15.

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