Saturday, 3 October 2009

PM Surprised at RFA Dismissals

Written by DAP NEWS -- Saturday, 03 October 2009
(Post by CAAI News Media)

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Friday expressed surprise that Radio Free Asia (RFA) had fired five of their staff.

“Where are the RFA reporters? When workers are fired, RFA reporters are always there, but when they fired their own workers, why do they not broadcast?” the premier asked reporters in Siem Reap after his opening remarks at GMS meeting on Friday.

“I was very surprised when RFA firied their workers as this radio station belongs to the US Governmen t,” the premier said. “How can we believe in RFA broadcasting?”

The premier also asked whether RFA had followed labor regulations.

RFA fired Seang Sophorn, Huy Vannak, Phan Sophat, Mean Rith, and Thay Sothea. RFA has been criticized by many NGOs, journalists, and Government officials.

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