Friday, 9 October 2009

Press Visits Smallholder Livestock Production Program

Written by DAP NEWS -- Thursday, 08 October 2009
(Post by CAAI News Media)

During a 5-6 October press visit to the EC-Funded Development Coop-eration in Cambodia’s Smallho lder Livestock Production Program (SLPP) in Pursat province, the EC Delegation to Cambodia’s Rafael Dochao Moreno said that over US$7 million has been provided by the EU provided to the SLPP.

Moreno said the project, started in 2005, aims to improve of animal health services, develop local capacity and find effective markets and equitable returns.

“The EU donates to Cambodia to provide … for Cambodian poor people in remote areas.”
Dr. Nou Vonika, project director of SLPP for the Ministry of Agricul- ture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), said SLPP covers four various Province, including Pursat, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu and Takeo.

Vonika added that one SLPP project, the artificial insemination of cattle, has improved local husban-dry. “It is very easy to inject semen into virgin female cows when they are at their most fertile. Farmers all over the world always use this method, and they get many new calves this way.”

“Our strategies include improved pigs, poultry, cattle production, farmers’ groups, over 1,100 Village Animal Health Workers,” he said, adding that the SLPP operates in 2,229 villages, 176 communes and 22 districts of the four provinces. Pursat Provincial Governor Koy Sokha said that “Pursat is a core or heart in economic market, because all farmers they depend on the agricultural sector.” The Cambodian Government has developed the whole province, he claimed, especially agriculture, tourism, mineral extraction and energy.

Vonika said the SLPP project depends on the cooperation of Animal Health and Production agencies.

The press visited three areas in Pursat, including the first site the artificial insemination of cattle site.

Choun Chet, an SLPP beneficiary farmer, said that his calf, named Me Pkay, she is the first result of artificial insemination. “If we compared to the calves born by normal breeding, Me Pkay is much bigger, stronger, healthier, and faster growing than local breeding.”

At the second site, the Food-Feed-System for Cattle Production, press met Hoen Hong, another SLPP project farmer. “After I became involved into the project, I gained much more benefits from the SLPP. Urea straw is the best way to keep my enough feed for my six cows,” he said. Hong added that his cows now grow faster when fed urea straw.

At the last site, Commune Leader in O Tapong district Um Bunsoeun and a board member of the project said that it is very important to have a treasurer and to create a bank acco- unt for the group to ensure security and provide low interest rate credit.

The SLPP director said that “The composition of the groups allows networking, not only amongst farmers, but also among Government officials.”

The members of the group are made up of smallholder livestock producers, village and commune leaders, and village animal health workers selected on a volunteer basis.

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