Monday, 12 October 2009

Super Red jump to top of Futsal league

Players from Futsal team Dei Ek Katde (right, green) set up for a free-kick attempt against Tuol Sangke All Star (left, orange) during their FFC Hello Futsal League 2009 match at Olympic Stadium on Saturday. Photo by: Nick sells (

(Post by CAAI News Media)

Monday, 12 October 2009 15:00 Ung Chamroeun

WITH wins from their first two games, Khmer Super Red sit atop of the FFC Hello Futsal League 2009. After crushing Dei Ek Katde 14-6, Super Red smashed Saturday opponents Panda FC 13-6.

Super Red’s hotshot So Daravuth was the man of the match with a stunning four goals in about as many minutes.

Olympic Youth also boast a perfect record following a 4-1 victory over reigning champions Funan FC 4-1 Saturday, but have four fewer in goal difference than the league leaders.

Rama Holding Group move into third after winning a testing clash with Khmer Eysann 4-3. And Dei Ek Katde grabbed their first points of the campaign with aplomb, trouncing Tuol Sangke All Star 13-2.


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