Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Accused rapist evades arrest by B’bang police

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

Tuesday, 17 November 2009 15:02 Chrann Chamroeun

A Battambang man accused of raping a 12-year-old girl last Friday has evaded arresting officers, police said on Monday.

The girl was watching television at the suspect’s house in Ek Phnom district’s Preak Luong commune when the alleged attack took place. When police went to the suspect’s home after the girl’s parents filed a complaint on Saturday, he had already left. Kuy Heang, provincial chief of the anti-human trafficking police, said: “I am sorry to say that the perpetrator escaped capture by speed boating to Siem Reap province after he learned that the victim’s parents complained to the police.”

The attack took place when the girl returned to the man’s home to watch more television after going shopping at her mother’s request at 8pm, Kuy Heang said.

When she climbed the ladder to his door, he allegedly put his hand over her mouth before dragging her to the back of his home and raping her.

“Although the perpetrator evaded punishment for now, I believe he will be caught by police soon,” Kuy Heang said.

Yat Kamsant, provincial monitor for human rights group Licadho, said Monday that he was not yet aware of the details of the case but would arrange a medical examination for the girl.

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