Monday, 9 November 2009

Cambodia’s Western University Meets Vietnam National University (RVNU)

Written by DAP NEWS -- Monday, 09 November 2009

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

Cambodia’s Western University on Saturday held a meeting with representatives of the Vietnam National University (RVNU) during a Vietna- mese delegation visit to Cambodia.

In the meeting between the Western University and the RVNU, Dr. Traing Thanhan, Director of Pali language and Senor Consultant Vietnam National University, said that “Cam- bodian students who learned at the Western, they are accuracy if we compared to other university in ASEAN countries, they are qualified we would like to admire.”

We will report to our leader to provide the scholarship for Cambo- dian students through the Western University. Recently, the education in Cambodia is developing, and we noted that it is better than in the past, Thanhan added.

Toe Lorin rector of Western University said that “We are welcome to the RVNU who visited in Cambo- dia, our institution was established since 2003 which approved by the Cambodian Government through Cambodian Government Decree 72 of November 17, 2003.”

The Western University’s rector added that his institution offers programs ranging from foundation academic year up to Doctorate Degree. “Our achievements, all of our members they are very hard working, especially all professors, lecturers, and teachers and all of the university’s staffs as well,” he stressed.

As a result of the downturn, his university has seen decreased enrole- ment and attnedence, he said, “so we would to ask to the Vietnam Govern- ment to provide the appropriate scho- larships for Cambodian students.”

Cambodian students can attend an examination for a scholarship to Western University on November 20, according to Western University’s Human Resource Administration Officer Mok Pheareak.

Pheareak said that the scholarships will be offered for the 2009-2010 academic year at the first Tourl Svay Prey branch in Phnom Penh.

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