Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Independence Day Ceremony Changed to Nov 8

Written by DAP NEWS -- Tuesday, 03 November 2009

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

The National and International Ceremony Preparation Committee has decreed that the Independence Day ceremony will be changed to November 8, rather than the normal November 9, according to a press release.

The change is apparently to help the King attend the event but also participate in an important traditional ceremony.

Chea Sokhum, National and International Ceremony Preparation Committee Secretary said that Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Sen and other high-ranking officials will place garlands at the Independence Monument on November 8. On Nov- ember 9, King Norodom Sihamoni will place garlands and Tean Chey, a traditional candle. On November 11, the King will ceremonially blow out the Tean Chey. “The ceremony will dedicate to ancestors holding from 3 pm at Independence Monum- ent,” the press release said.

This is the 56th anniversary of Cambodia’s independence from France, after France had control of Cambodia as a colony 1863-1953.

The Independence Day ceremony is seen by many as a chance for paying their respects to former King Norodom Sihanouk, who many credit with brokering independence from France.

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