Thursday, 5 November 2009

It's an honour to be Cambodia's advisor

Thu, Nov 05, 2009
The Nation/Asia News Network

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

"I would like to thank (Cambodia's Prime Minister)'s Hun Sen for appointing me as his economic adviser," Thaksin said in his twitter (Thaksinlive).

Cambodia has already sent him a copy of the appointment that signed by Cambodia's King Norodom Sihamoni.

However he said he would enjoy more doing the job for Thai people.

King Sihamoni signed the Royal Decree of the appointment of Thaksin Shinawatra on Oct 27. The appointment was made in accordance with the country's constitutions and at the request of Prime Minister Hun Sen.

As Hun Sen arrived in Hua Hin to attend Asean Summit in October, he declared "Thaksin can stay in Cambodia as a guest of Cambodia. He can also be my adviser on the economy".

The Cambodian leader repeated an earlier invitation to Thaksin to stay in Cambodia and rejected Thai claims that Phnom Penh would have to extradite the tycoon.

"Our concern is for humanitarian reasons, it is friends helping friends. The internal affairs of Thailand would be left for Thai people to resolve, I am not interfering," said Hun Sen.

Cambodia also issued a statement, saying it will not extradite Thaksin at a request from Thailand if he comes and stays in Cambodia. Meanwhile, it said that the Royal Government will continue its policy of having friendly relations with Thailand.

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