Saturday, 7 November 2009

King Sends Letter to PM Hun Sen over Publisher’s Pardon

Written by DAP NEWS -- Saturday, 07 November 2009

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

King Norodom Sihamoni sent a letter to PM Hun Sen to kindly request as a favour that he pardon the convicted publisher of the Khmer Machas Srok newspaper, according to the king’s letter obtained on Friday.

“I received a letter that dated on 23 October 2009 from the lawmakers from Sam Rainsy Party and they asked me for granting pardon for publisher of Khmer language daily Khmer Machas Srok newspaper, Hang Chakra, who currently has been in custody at Prey Sar prison over the charge of disinformation in June 26, 2009,” the King wrote.

“I send this letter to Samdech PM Hun Sen to check and consider as a favor granting a pardon for him and I thank with deep gratitude, social friendship, and honesty from me,” the King wrote. Hang Chakra, also editor-in -chief of the opposition Khmer -language daily Khmer Machas Srok, was sentenced to one year in prison after reports on alleged Government corruption. In June 2009, a Camb- odian court ruled that Hang Chakra violated criminal disinformation laws by publishing a series of articles that accused officials working under Deputy Prime Minister Sok An of corruption. The court also fined the editor CR9 million riel (US$2,250). So far, he has served nearly 6 months in jail.

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