Monday, 16 November 2009

A new way to annoy a neighbour

The Economist
Monday , Nov 16, 2009

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

Since last year, Cambodian and Thai troops have intermittently clashed over a disputed border temple. But now Cambodia has found a more elegant way to annoy its rival: appointing as economic adviser to the prime minister, Hun Sen, Thaksin Shinawatra, the former Thai premier who was ousted by a coup in 2006 and convicted in absentia of abusing his power. Thailand’s government wants Mr Thaksin in jail. Cambodia has refused to extradite him, arguing that his crime is political. Infuriated, Thailand last week withdrew its ambassador. Cambodia did the same. Thailand has torn up a joint maritime oil-exploration treaty. On November 15th, anti-Thaksin “yellow shirts”, who have stirred up trouble on the disputed border, plan to rally in Bangkok to protest against Cambodia’s decision to coddle their nemesis.

Speaking at his opulent government guesthouse in Phnom Penh, a stone’s throw from the Thai embassy, where extradition papers lie waiting, Mr Thaksin affects not to know what all the fuss is about. He says that giving sound advice to Cambodia will benefit Thailand’s larger economy and the whole region. He describes Hun Sen as a pal of 20 years who “dares to say the truth to the world” about his ill treatment. Actually, the two men have not always seen eye-to-eye. But both see themselves in a similar light, as bluff sons of the soil, surrounded by royalist enemies.

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