Thursday, 19 November 2009

The Phnom Penh Post News in Brief

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

Aiding Bhutan trade

Thursday, 19 November 2009 15:00 May Kunmakara

Ministry of Commerce officials is to host a workshop for a Bhutanese delegation today to share information on Cambodia’s trade development experience. Bhutan, a least developed country, is a candidate for accession to the World Trade Organisation and has applied for funding from the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) fund, a multidonor initiative aimed at supporting LDCs in trade development. Cambodia has been at the forefront among LDCs in securing funds from the IF programme, the United Nations said.

Lightweight finals later

Thursday, 19 November 2009 15:00 Robert Starkweather

THE lightweight tournament finals scheduled for Sunday at the CTN boxing arena have been postponed until December 6. Kao Roomchang from Club Anlong Veng will face Van Chanvey from Club Preah Khan Reach in the bout for first and second place, and Long Sophy from Club Salavorn will face Vung Noy from Club Pailin for third and fourth. The first-place winner will then meet 60-kilogram titlist Lao Sinath from the Commando 911 Boxing Club early next year in a title fight.

NZ to sign auditing pact

Thursday, 19 November 2009 15:00 May Kunmakara

The National Audit Authority of Cambodia will sign a memorandum of understanding with its counterpart in New Zealand on peer auditing early next year, authority Secretary General Luk Nhib said Wednesday. The agreement follows a four-day visit of a delegation from the national audit office to Audit New Zealand last week. New Zealand will send two or three representatives to Cambodia next month to gather information and documents in preparation for an audit of the Cambodian authority’s efforts next year, Luk Nhib said. “It is very important for us to know about our misconduct or shortfalls in order to improve our capacity and systems,” he said.

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