Saturday, 7 November 2009

Resolve Thai-Cambodia spat

In Bangkok, Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban on Friday warned that Thailand may seal the border with Cambodia, a day after the two countries recalled their respective ambassadors due to the dispute over the appointment of Thaksin. -- PHOTO: REUTERS

Nov 6, 2009

(Posted by CAAI news Media)

SINGAPORE on Friday expressed concern about the deteriorating relationship between Thailand and Cambodia over Phnom Penh's naming of fugitive former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra as an adviser.

In response to media queries on Singapore's views on recent developments in Thai-Cambodia relations, a Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman said: 'It is not good for Asean.

'We hope that both our friends will keep the larger interest of Asean in mind and find a way to resolve their differences quickly in a spirit of good neighbourliness.'

In Bangkok, Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban on Friday warned that Thailand may seal the border with Cambodia, a day after the two countries recalled their respective ambassadors due to the dispute over the appointment of Thaksin, who was ousted in a 2006 coup and lives abroad to avoid a jail term for corruption.

'If Cambodia still adopts a hard line and uncompromising attitude, then we must continue to downgrade relations and maybe seal off all border checkpoints,' he said.

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