Friday, 13 November 2009

'Thaksin can help Cambodia'

Thursday, 12 November 2009

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

The Cambodian government's appointment of former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra as an economy adviser has provoked an angry reaction from the Thai government, which views him as a criminal and a powerful political opponent.

Here, people in Cambodia share their views on the importance of Mr Thaksin's contribution and whether the appointment will affect already strained relations with neighbouring Thailand.


Cambodia has just emerged from the many years of war which destroyed everything. We need people of great knowledge to help rebuild our country.

Thakshin is an experienced economist. He has been very successful in his business and in leading Thailand out of the severe financial crisis in 1997.

Having him as an economic adviser would be very beneficial to both Cambodia and Thailand.

If Cambodia is prospering, that would be good for Thailand as well. We will be able to do business together and our people will not need to cross the border illegally to look for jobs in Thailand.

The current Thai government should view their position more carefully. Helping your poor neighbour prosper is like helping your country getting richer. What Mr Thaksin will do for Cambodia is not against Thai people and Thai interests.

Therefore I don't think his appointment will affect relations between the two countries. The Thai government's treatment of Cambodia has been bad before the appointment of Mr Thaksin.

They claim that Cambodia has robbed their land at the Preah Vihear temple and that the temple belongs to Thailand. How can a poor country with a weak military be able to do that?

There are political motivations behind Thai leaders' desires to get rid of Thaksin. They think he is a threat to their government and they fear that he might use Cambodia as a base to stage a political comeback.


It is clear that my government has made the right decision to appoint Thaksin as government adviser on economy.

When Thaksin was the prime minister of Thailand he was very good for the country, especially in developing rural areas.

"We need his help and I don't care how controversial this appointment is "

Most Cambodian people are poor farmers and they can benefit from Thaksin's experience in Thailand.

I am sure that he would be able to raise the standard of living for Cambodian people and develop our rural areas. I am also confident that he'll attract foreign investment.

We need help from outside, from people with experience and knowledge that we don't have ourselves.

We need his help in order to achieve our reform and I don't care how controversial this appointment is. Most people around me think that this is a good decision for our country.


I think it's good for our country to get help from an economic expert like Mr Thaksin.

Our country needs help to be rebuilt. We have suffered so much, the whole country was turned to ash by the Pol Pot regime.

We don't have many economic advisers. Thaksin will bring more development in the region.

He is smart and has a lot of experience in his country, which is in the same area as ours.

We need to learn from him and Cambodia should follow his advise.

I don't think his appointment will affect relations between Cambodia and Thailand. His appointment serves as a justice to my nation after all the hatered we've received from Thailand.

And if he has a personal agenda of revenge - that's his own game.

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