Friday, 13 November 2009

Vietnam's Moc Bai Boder Facilitates Ties With Cambodia And Asean

(Posted by CAAI news Media)

HANOI, Nov 12 (Bernama) -- The Moc Bai Bordergate Economic Zone in Vietnam's southern province of Tay Ninh will be developed into a tourism and trade centre serving the nation's economic, cultural, and political ties with Cambodia and ASEAN members.

Moc Bai will also act as the scientific and technological centre for the entire southeast region, the Vietnam news agency reported Thursday.

According to the adjusted plan, the Moc Bai zone will cover 21,284 hectare of land, with 305 hectare reserved for residential areas, 250 hectare for trade and services centres and 300 hectare for concentrated industrial zone.

By the year 2020, the zone is expected to have a population of 100,000 people.


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