Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Bangkok Confirms Ability to Help Its Detained Spy

Tuesday, 01 December 2009 04:47 DAP-NEWS

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

Bangkok government led by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Monday confirmed that its ability to help the detained Thai spy who is accused of stealing Fugitive Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Sinawatra during his 4-day private trip to Cambodia, while Cambodian government officials still insist that this case currently is under Phnom Penh Court’s probe.

Sivarak Chutipong, an employee of Thai-owned Cambodia Air Traffic Services (CATS), was arrested on Nov 11, 2009 charged of passing a state secret to Thai diplomatic officials - flight infor- mation about fugitive former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra when he visited Phnom Penh. Sivarak is being held in Prey Sar prison.

The government is doing its best within the limits of the law to help the Thai engineer accused of spying in Cambodia; Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya was quoted by Bangkok Post on Monday.

"In addition, a lawyer from the Lawyers Council of Thailand is available to help Sivarak, who insists he is innocent," Kasit confirmed.

The confirmation of Bangkok leaders was made following the spy´s mother, Khun Simaluck, met him on Friday last week at Prey Sar Prison, outskirt of Phnom Penh. Following their talk around 90 Minutes, having been allowed by Cambodian Foreign Affair Ministry, she expressed glad and confirmed that she did not worry as she found that Cambo-dian authority has taken care of his son carefully.

"Khun Simaluck described the atmosphere of the meeting as being good. She gave her son medicine and asthma inhaler. She worried about him at first but now that she met him already and he had no problem," Thai FM's secretary of state Chawanont Indharako-marnsutr quoted the mother as saying.

Cambodia Air Traffic Services (CATS), where the Thai spy worked, was takeover by Cambodian government official. The controlling by the official made following 9Thai workers were temporarily stopped, allowing to work outsides the company, not to allow to work in Technical room as they will realize the government leaders´ flight, ensuring their safety.

Following this case, some report from Bangkok raised that Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen´s daughter was controlling this company. However, this was strongly rejected by the government officials.

Thaksin was willing to help Sivarak if he will be found guilty by Cambodian court, according to Noppadon Pattama, Thaksin’s advisor and a former Thai foreign minister.

“If Bangkok government cannot help this man, Thaksin will ask for Cambodian court to get this man free,” he added.

Cambodian Defense Minister Tea Banh said the alleged spy will not be freed any time soon.
In a phone interview with the Bangkok Post, Gen Tea Banh said legal proceedings against the Thai engineer must be allowed to run their course.

The spy´s mother will attend a court session on December 8 in Phnom Penh, he said, adding Sivarak reiterated that he did not do anything against the Cambodian laws as the information about Thaksin's flight plans were not confidential.

The Thai man arrested made following Cambodia declared officially appointing Thaksin as Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Sen’s advisor and the government advisor on economic work.

The day following, Thai leaders recalled their ambassador to Phnom Penh, and then Cambodia did so.

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