Sunday, 20 December 2009

The Khmer Rouge Tribunal Submitted a Funding Proposal for US$46 Million for 2010 and More Than US$47 Million for 2011 – Saturday, 19.12.2009

Posted on 20 December 2009
The Mirror, Vol. 13, No. 643

(CAAI News Media)

“Phnom Penh: An official of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal stated on 18 December 2009 that the investigating judges of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal decided to charge the former Head of State of Democratic Kampuchea, Khieu Samphan, with an additional crime, genocide, besides two previous charges: crimes against humanity and serious violations of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 [“The Geneva Conventions consist of four treaties and three additional protocols that set the standards in international law for humanitarian treatment of the victims of war”].

“The additional charge was made a day after the Khmer Rouge Tribunal sent Khieu Samphan to a hospital for a medical checkup and after his two comrades Ieng Sary and Nuon Chea were accused with the same charge on 17 December 2008.

“The head of Public Affairs Office of the tribunal, Mr. Reach Sambath, told Koh Santephea via phone on 18 December 2009 that the investigating judges decided to charge Khieu Samphan in addition with genocide.

“Regarding the judgment to sentence [former Tuol Sleng prison chief] Duch to serve time in prison, no official date has been specified. But according to Mr. Reach Sambath, the tribunal will announce the judgment on Duch in early 2010, the date has not yet been set.

“Mr. Reach Sambath added that the investigating judges plan to finish the investigations for the Case 002 in the second week of January 2010. However, the tribunal has not yet specified the date for the hearing on this case. The Case 002 relates to four accused, who are in detention: Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, and Ieng Thirith. All are old and have diferent illnesses.

“The hearings of Case 002 are planed to start in early 2010.

“In the meantime, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, announced on 18 December 2009 that a proposal for funds for the tribunal, to support the process in 2010 and in 2011, was submitted to the United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials (UNKRT) and to partner countries of the Group of Interested States of the tribunal, during a meeting in New York this week. The presentation of the proposal was led by the acting head and the deputy acting head of the Administration of the tribunal, Mr. Tony Kranh and Mr. Knut Rosandhaug.

“The announcement went on to say that according to an estimation of the funds needed for this court for the process of hearings in the upcoming two years, the ECCC is requesting approval of the requested funds of US$46 million for 2010 and US$47.3 for 2011, where the international side of the ECCC needs US$34.5 million for 2010 and US$35.6 million for 2011, including reserve funds, while the Cambodian side needs US$11.5 million for 2010 and US$11.8 million for 2011, including reserve funds.

“The annual expenses might increase, because the ECCC has to conduct more activities which need full time work, and also because the trial chamber will start to work full time from mid 2010.

“The requested funds cover also expenses for the work of defense lawyers relating to other cases. The actual 2010 to 2011 funds of the ECCC will be announced publicly after they will have been approved by the partner countries of the ECCC.”

Koh Santepheap, Vol.42, #6835, 19-20.12.2009
Newspapers Appearing on the Newsstand:
Saturday, 19 December 2009

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