Wednesday, 23 December 2009

MATERNAL HEALTH: Family says no justice for daughter

(CAAI News Media)

Tuesday, 22 December 2009 15:01 Mom Kunthear and May Titthara

The family of a 27-year-old woman who died from postpartum haemorrhage after a caesarian section last week told the Post on Monday that they have given up hope of finding justice after filing a complaint with officials in Kampot province’s Kampong Trach district. “It is useless for me [to pursue justice] anymore,” said the victim’s mother, Mak Peoun, 57. “Even though the district governor and doctor gave us $100 for my daughter’s funeral, my daughter will not come back.” The victim’s uncle, Kong Sam Ork, 59, said that officials “tried to explain the reasons why she died, and that it does not happen only in Cambodia but other countries. I want to continue to pursue the complaint, but other relatives want to finish it because we cannot win.” Oum Sinath, Kompong Trach district governor, said his office never received a complaint. “We only received their request for us to help support the child’s life,” he said. “We provided them with 500,000 riels ($120.10) for the funeral ceremony.”

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