Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Mother seeks opposition's help for detained Thai engineer

December 1, 2009

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

Simarak Na Nakhon Phanom, the mother of detained Thai national Sivarak Chutipong Monday sought assistance from opposition Pheu Thai Party, blaming the Foreign Ministry for slow move to save her son from Cambodia prison.

She met former foreign minister Noppadon Pattama at the party headquarter to ask assistance to free Sivarak who was being detained for the charge of spying on former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's flight information.

"The Foreign Ministry is too slow. My son and I cannot wait. So I would do whatever to help him," Simarak told a press conference.

Noppadon said he helped the mother and son on humanitarian basis as used his connection in Phnom Penh to help Simarak to see her son again within a couple days from now.

The Nation

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