Saturday, 19 December 2009

Party leader meets with Cambodia’s top religious clerics


(CAAI News Media)

Party leader Nong Duc Manh on December 18 visited Great Supreme Patriarch Samdec Tep Vong and Supreme Patriarch Samdec Bukri – leaders of the two Buddhist sects in Cambodia.

He said he is happy to see with his own eyes the dramatic changes Cambodia and its Buddhists have made during the past four years since his visit in March 2005.

He expressed his belief that the two sects will make greater contributions to Cambodia’s prosperity under the reign of King Norodom Sihamoni and the clear-sighted leadership of the Senate, the National Assembly and the government, as well as promoting the relationship between Vietnam and Cambodia.

Vietnam will do its utmost to maintain and develop their traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation with Cambodia, said Mr Manh.

The two supreme patriarchs welcomed Mr Manh’s re-visit to Cambodia and expressed the belief that their bilateral relationship will develop further for the sake of peace, happiness and prosperity in each country.

They thanked the Vietnamese Party, government, people and volunteer soldiers for helping the Cambodian people escape the genocidal Pol Pot regime and for revitalizing Cambodia and its Buddhism in particular.

The same day, Mr Manh met with Vietnamese Embassy staff and Vietnamese nationals in Cambodia. He called on them to carry out practical activities to cement the time-honoured friendship and solidarity between the two nations, as well as to increase exchanges and cooperation in economics, trade, culture, education-training, and science-technology.

He encouraged Vietnamese nationals to turn their hearts and minds to their home country, preserve their traditional cultural identity and teach Vietnamese to the younger generation.

In the afternoon, he visited Preah Sihanouk province in southwest of Cambodia.

Earlier on December 17, King Norodom Sihamoni gave a royal banquet in honour of Party leader Manh and his entourage.

The King highlighted the importance of Mr Manh’s visit and expressed his hope that Vietnam will continue to share its experiences and provide development aid to Cambodia.

Mr Manh reaffirmed Vietnam’s determination to strengthen its traditional friendship with Cambodia, considering it an invaluable asset and an important factor behind the strength of the two nations.

Mr Manh began a three-day visit to Cambodia on December 17 at the invitation of King Norodom Sihamoni.

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