Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Pay Protest: Students seek raise for lecturers

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

Wednesday, 02 December 2009 15:03 Tep Nimol and May Titthara

Pay Protest

STUDENTS at the Royal University of Agriculture in Phnom Penh called for higher wages for teachers on Tuesday, accusing university officials of pocketing tuition fees. “We are protesting because we would like the university to pay the teachers more,” said student Mak Mai. Last week, some fee-paying students were turned away from class because the money they had paid to the university had not reached the lecturer. “The teacher told us that he could only teach students who had scholarships because he was only paid to teach them. We don’t know where our tuition money is going,” he said. Chhum Phetlun, one of the lecturers at the university, said the school had the resources to raise teachers’ pay because it receives up to US$400,000 in tuition fees annually. “Lecturers should be paid $80 per month, while other workers, like cleaners, should get $50,” Chhum Phetlun said. Students said overtime should also increase from 9,500 riels per hour to $6 per hour. Chan Nareth, director of the Royal University of Agriculture, could not be reached for comment.

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