Wednesday, 2 December 2009

The Phnom Penh Post News in Brief

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

World Cup refs revealed

Wednesday, 02 December 2009 15:00 Dan Riley

A list of officials for the WOVD Volleyball World Cup in Phnom Penh from December 15-20 has been released by the CNVLD. Referees from Malaysia, Britain, Egypt, Iran, Ukraine, Croatia, Greece and Slovenia will officiate over the matches, and WOVD technical delegate Billy Lee from Malaysia and WOVD jury member Pierre Van Meenan of France will make sure international standards are adhered to. The CNVLD is currently looking for two enthusiastic English-speaking sports enthusiasts to volunteer as management assistants at the Olympic Stadium from December 11-19.

OSK opens branches

Wednesday, 02 December 2009 15:00 Nguon Sovan

OSK Indochina Bank Limited (OSKIBL) opened four new branches in Phnom Penh on Tuesday as part of the South Korean bank’s strategy to reach more of the Cambodian population, Chief Operating Officer Lim Loong Seng said at an official launch event. The bank, which began operating in the Kingdom in October last year, now has 1,600 customers with deposits totalling more than US$10 million, he added. Loans have increased to more than $15 million. The new branches are located at City Mall Olympic, Steung Meanchey, Kbal Thnal and Pet Lok Song.

RDB lends $5m for rice

Wednesday, 02 December 2009 15:00 Soeun Say

THE Rural Development Bank (RDB) lent US$5 million last week to rice millers and other agricultural businesses, the firm’s director general said. Sun Kunthor said the loans were approved last week after receiving applications for $46 million from the rice industry as farmers look to boost investment during the harvest. A further $5 million in loans was likely to be approved this week, he added, “so that [farmers] can buy paddy and process rice to export”. RDB was charging 6 percent to 10 percent interest per year, said Sun Kunthor. RDB has earmarked $33 million in loans for the rice industry by the end of 2010.

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