Monday, 7 December 2009

PM calls for caution on Thai border

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

Monday, 07 December 2009 15:02 Cheang Sokha

PRIME Minister Hun Sen on Saturday warned Cambodians living along the border with Thailand not to cross unlawfully into the neighbouring country, following a series of arrests and shootings.

“Do whatever you want in our territory, but do not cross onto [Thai] soil,” Hun Sen said during the opening of construction on National Road 68 in Oddar Meanchey province.

Hun Sen’s comments follow numerous reports of clashes between Cambodian illegal loggers and Thai soldiers in recent months. In September, 16 Cambodian loggers received jail terms from a Thai provincial court, and in a separate incident, Oddar Meanchey officials claim 16-year-old Cambodian logger Yon Rith was burned alive by Thai soldiers.

Despite these incidents, the premier stated again that the military clashes along the border will not resume. “The policy of using the armed forces is out of date now, and it is in contrast to the will of the people of the two countries.”

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