Tuesday, 1 December 2009

PM warns against insulting monarchy

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

Tuesday, 01 December 2009 15:01 Cheang Sokha

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday warned members of the Royal family not to publicly disrespect the King, saying the government would take action against anyone insulting the monarchy.

At the launch of a new resort in Kampong Cham province, the premier referenced an “inappropriate” comment made in June, in which an unnamed Royal said King Norodom Sihamoni had left the Royal Palace to go touring. In fact, said the prime minister, the King was not – as the comment suggested – taking a holiday, but was engaged in humanitarian work, Royal affairs and presiding over traditional ceremonies.

“I would like to warn any member of the Royal family who says disrespectful things to the current King, King Father or King Mother that the government will take action,” Hun Sen said, describing himself as a “faithful protector” of the monarchy who felt pity for the King “because he stays alone”. The prime minister also emphasised the ruling Cambodian People’s Party’s support for the Royal institution. “There is no threat to the monarchy,” he said.

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