Thursday, 10 December 2009

Pregnant inmate's health flags

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

Thursday, 10 December 2009 15:02 Tep Nimol and Mom Kunthear

THE husband of a pregnant woman who was detained in connection with a land dispute in Oddar Meanchey province late last month says her health has deteriorated since she has been in custody.

Huoy Mai, 46, who is five months pregnant, was arrested on November 28 after being accused of illegally cutting down trees on land at the centre of an ongoing dispute with the Angkor Sugar Company, owned by CPP Senator Ly Yong Phat. She has been held in a detention centre in Siem Reap since November 30.

“She told me she cannot eat and she is bleeding a lot. I am very worried about my wife and my child. I cannot visit her because I fear authorities will arrest me,” An Sean, Huoy Mai’s husband, said on Wednesday,

“I don’t trust the doctors in the jail, as they don’t take good care of my wife. I want to treat her at a hospital outside, but I cannot,” he added.

Chhang Sophos, provincial monitor for human rights group Licadho, said that when he visited the prisoners last week, he did see that Huoy Mai’s health had deteriorated.

“I did not request the prison director to send her to the hospital because I think they will not do as I ask,” he said.

“But on [Human Rights Day], doctors from Licadho will come back to check her health,” he added.

Noun San, Siem Reap’s provincial deputy prosecutor, said that the woman was sent to a hospital last week for treatment.

“She is better now and we sent her back to the jail after the doctors tried their best to help her and her child. Both mother and child are well, and the prison staff are looking after her in the prison because of her pregnancy,” he said.

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