Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Sivarak back home

Published: 14/12/2009

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

Released spy Sivarak Chutipong arrived at Suvarnabhumi airport on Monday evening and told reporters he "felt like a victim".

Mr Sivarak, who was accompanied by his mother Simarak na Nakhon Phanom and Puea Thai spokesman Prompong Nopparit, was greeted by a swarm of reporters upon arrival.

Asked whether the Foreign Ministry helped him when he was detained in Prey Sar prison in Cambodia, he said the ministry did try to help him, but the Thai and Cambodian governments were not on good terms.

Asked if his case was staged, he said it was not possible since Mr Kamrob, a Thai diplomat, contacted him first.

"I wouldn't put my life at stake, since I already had a good job," Mr Sivarak said. "I feel like I'm a victim but in what sense I don't know."

He said it would be better if Kamrob Palawatwichai, the first secretary at the Thai embassy in Phnom Penh who asked him for former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's flight information last month, would clarify the situation.

"I have yet to talk Mr Kamrob. I would like him to say something, or at least call my mother."

Mr Sivarak said he would return home immediately and had no plans to meet any senior Puea Thai officials.

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