Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Spotted in Cambodia: made-in-Singapore Love Beer

It's not just made with Love, it's also cheap at US$1.50 for the bottle.

by Hatta Aziz
8 December, 2009

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

It’s got “Singapore” pasted on the label but this mysterious beer can’t be found anywhere on the island.

Take a trip down to your nearest convenience store or grocer and you’ll be hard pressed to find Love Beer anywhere else. So where did we find this nifty little brand? It was in none other than in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Avid backpacker, beer bottle collector and CNNGo reader Mervyn Chen was surprised to find a made-in-Singapore beer that wasn’t a Tiger during his travels around the region.

“It’s really weird as we don’t see this brand in Singapore at all and here I am looking at a supposed Singaporean-made beer in Cambodia,” he said to CNNGo.

According to, Love Beer is produced by Singapore Brewing Co. which is owned by Asia Pacific Breweries -- the company behind the familiar Heineken and Tiger beers.

With the Singapore government keen for a higher baby birth rate, surely mixing some love with a social lubricant like alcohol would do the trick?

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