Friday, 15 January 2010

Dancers step out to support charity

Posted on January 15, 2010
via CAAI News Media

RESIDENTS of the South East will have a chance to dust off their dancing shoes and help the children of Cambodia by supporting the efforts of a Mount Gambier volunteer.

Rachael Stratford will travel to Cambodia at the end of the month where she will volunteer at the COSO Orphanage and the Volunteer Development Children’s Association — a school founded by Buddhist monks for children who could not afford an education.

A “hootenanny charity dance” will be held on January 23 at the Glenburnie Memorial Hall in a bid to raise much-needed money for the children and organisations that Ms Stratford will visit.

Ms Stratford said her aim was to inspire people to do something similar, even if it is from the comfort of their own homes.

“If I can encourage others to participate in some sort of volunteer work, we may regain that sense of community — caring about others outside our closest circle of family and friends,” Ms Stratford said.

Ms Stratford decided to assist children in Cambodia as it is what people were talking about around her.

After emailing several charities to develop a starting point, Ms Stratford was met with no reply and turned to the internet to research organisations that may need help who were not already supported by larger charitable organisations.

“It didn’t take long to find two that I intend to help.”

Ms Stratford said that although she would be physically volunteering, it would be good to set up ongoing support for the area after she departs.

The dance, organised by Andrea Braun, will begin at 7.30pm and guests will be required to pay $6 for adults, $2 for children or $12 for a family, with all proceeds going to the Cambodian organisations.

Guests are asked to bring a plate of food for supper and to dress casual with comfortable footwear.

“Even if you don’t know who I am, it will be a great night for families to get out and meet some new people — and all proceeds will be going to a great cause so please come along,” Ms Stratford said.

For further enquiries, contact Rachael Stratford on 8725 4007 or Andrea Braun on 0417 509 144.

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