Saturday, 23 January 2010

Former Thai PM leaves Cambodia

via CAAI News Media
January 22, 2010

Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra left Cambodia on Thursday after a day stop here, a government official said.

Prak Sokhon, minister attached to Prime Minister Hun Sen said Thaksin arrived in Cambodia on Wednesday afternoon.

He said Thaksin had dinner with Prime Minister Hun Sen Wednesday in Phnom Penh.

The visit was the third by Thaksin since he was appointed as an advisor to Royal Government of Cambodia and a personal advisor to Hun Sen on economic affairs in October last year.

Thaksin's visit to Cambodia this time was only for a "transit purpose", Sokhon said, but declined to elaborate.

Other sources said Thaksin was on his way from Papua New Guinea and made a stop in Cambodia before flying to Dubai.

Thaksin has lived in self-imposed exile abroad since he was toppled in 2006.

Relations between the two neighboring countries were further strained after Thaksin's appointment. Thailand recalled its ambassador on Nov. 5 last year and Cambodia made the same move shortly after.

Source: Xinhua

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