Tuesday, 5 January 2010

PM Surprised by Fireworks, Population Movement

Tuesday, 05 January 2010 02:54 DAP-NEWS

(CAAI News Media)

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday expressed his surprise at the widespread fireworks industry, and its associated freely available explosive precursors.

Cambodian fireworks producers, working with explosive chemical substances like TNT, churn out fireworks for holidays like New Year, especially in Kampong Speu province and Takeo along Nation Roads 3 and 4, he told the opening ceremony of a US$1 million school built by the SOS humanitarian organization in Battambang province.

Hun Sen said that he had set off fireworks at Preah Sihanouk beach during the New Year but was surprised because Cambodia can produce all kinds of fireworks. “We found a lot of waste from fireworks at the beach in Preah Sihanouk beach because many local people went there during the New Year and launched fireworks,” he said. He urged local auth- orities to pay attention to safety of large scale transportation of the explosive chemical substances for producing the fireworks.

At the ceremony he also remarked that, according to report from provincial authorities, the population in Battambang province has increased rapidly, now at over one million residents from about 900,000, and the number in Preng Veng province decreased. He reasoned residents of Preng Veng must have moved to Battambang. He noted that Battam-bang province is still the main rice producer of the country, and contributes over 10 percent of the agricultural sector, producing everything from cassava to beans.

According to a report from the Natio- nal Committee of Population Development from the Office of the Council of Minist- ers, about 3.5 million people have migra- ted from their birth places to seek jobs and make businesses, of which about 1.7 million are women. Nearly half moved to Phnom Penh and Most of them seeks jobs, education and marriage.

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