Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Thai Yellow Shirts try to plant markers near Poipet border

via CAAI News Media

Wednesday, 27 January 2010 15:04 Cheang Sokha

SUPPORTERS of Thailand’s People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) travelled to the Thai-Cambodian border near O’Chrov district, close to Poipet, Banteay Meanchey province, on Monday in an attempt to plant border markers in an undemarcated area, provincial police commissioner Hun Hean said Tuesday.

About 90 PAD supporters, also known as the Yellow Shirts, were thwarted in their attempt to plant the markers after Thai soldiers and Cambodian villagers turned them back, Hun Hean said, adding that about 2,000 Yellow Shirts originally intended to go to the border before being stopped by troops in Thailand’s Sa Kaew province.

“They just want to make trouble along the border with Cambodia. We will not allow them to do so,” Hun Hean said, explaining that the group was protesting the demarcation efforts in progress under the auspices of the bilateral Joint Border Commission.

Var Kimhong, the government’s senior minister in charge of border affairs, said he was unconcerned by the Yellow Shirts’ demonstration.

“We don’t care about the Yellow Shirt people coming,” Var Kimhong said. “We are working with the border committee of the Thai government, not the Yellow Shirt group.”

In September, about 4,000 Yellow Shirts attempted to protest along the border near Preah Vihear temple but were stopped inside Thailand by the Thai military.

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