Saturday, 6 February 2010

Cambodia outrage at Google map

The ownership of the 11th century Preah Vihear temple remains disputed [EPA]

via CAAI News Media
Friday, February 05, 2010

Cambodia's government has complained to Google over the search giant's map of its disputed border with Thailand, saying the demarcation shown on the Google Earth platform is "devoid of truth and reality".

Currently embroiled in a diplomatic row with Thailand, Cambodia called for its immediate removal because it was not internationally recognised.

Cambodia made the complaint in a letter issued a day ahead of the first-ever visit to the border region by Hun Sen, the prime minister.

"[The map] is devoid of truth and reality, and professionally irresponsible, if not pretentious," Svay Sitha, secretary of state of the Cambodia's Council of Ministers, wrote in the letter on Friday.

Temple ownership row

"We therefore request that you withdraw the already disseminated, very wrong and not internationally recognised map and replace it."

Both countries have a heavy military presence along the border, where deadly clashes have occurred in the past three years.

At the centre of the row is the 11th century Preah Vihear temple, ownership of which was awarded to Cambodia in a 1962 international court ruling.

However, many Thais have never fully accepted the decision and the temple has been used by both countries to stoke nationalist fervour.

Last year, Thailand withdrew its pledge of support for Cambodia to list Preah Vihear as a UNESCO World Heritage site, arguing that jurisdiction of land around the temple had never been settled.

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