Tuesday, 2 February 2010

DAP News ; Breaking News by Soy Sopheap

via CAAI News Media

Mondulkiri Hotel Uses Cambodian Flag to Clean Chairs

Tuesday, 02 February 2010 02:59 DAP-NEWS

A high class hotel in Mondulkiri province is using Cambodian flags to clean chairs and cover bird houses, alleged by one DAP Newspaper reader who sent a letter along with pictures.

“I spent time in Mondulkiri province on January 18, 2010. I stayed at this hotel, which is a high class hotel in the province. But, it was surprising I saw Cambodian flag being torn completely and used to clean the chairs and used to cover on bird houses as shown in the pictures,” the letter said.

Soley, the hotel manager, denied the allegations.

“I will ask my subordinators, but I think this does not happen,” she told DAP News Cambodia.

Rous Chandarabot, a government official, said that he was regretful if the hotel acted like this.

“The authority has to take action against this activity as it is very serious as it does not only shame to our nation, but also it shames our ancestors, culture and history,” he told DAP News Cambodia.

“The governments always take actions against these kind of acts,” he said.

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minster Hor Namhong recently condemned a foreign company printing shoes emblazoned with the Cambodian flag.

Gov`t Overseas Trips Should be Reduced: PM

Tuesday, 02 February 2010 02:58 DAP-NEWS

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday suggested all ministers should reduce oversea trips and visits to save the national budget.

“Ministers should stop their many overseas trips and instead stay in the country more to save the budget and to help do their duty in the country,” said the premier during an inauguration ceremony at Champous Kaek Pagoda, Kean Svay District, Kandal Province. The PM plane tickets are now more expensive.

A Cambodian opposition party lawmaker cautiously backed the PM’s words.

“Missions overseas are positive for diplomatic relationships with other countries, but those ministers have oversea trips by bringing their relatives ... which destroys the nation`s budgets,” Chea Poch told DAP News Cambodia on Monday afternoon.

Chan Savet, an Adhoc investigator, said that the PM wanted help save the national budget, which is a positive step.

“All ministers should spend their own money by not using the national budget which it is to help the country, as most of them have much money,” he added.

Mushrooms Reduce Poverty: KOICA

Tuesday, 02 February 2010 02:57 DAP-NEWS

A KOICA representative claimed on Monday that planting mushrooms helps Cambodians to raise their living standards.

Mushrooms provide vitamins and protein gradient, Sun Sungil said in Kampong Cham province.

One villager told DAP News Cambodia that she earned US$50 after two months for mushrooms that fetched around CR8,000 a kilo at market, she added.

Sun Sungil said that KOICA has cooperated with National Prek Leap Agricultural School on the project.

KOICA has provided training courses to the poor to diversify incomesin vegetable growing, mushroom processing, chicken and pig husbandry and small scale fish farming.

Swedish Delegates Hear Cambodian Progress in the Field of Reforms

Tuesday, 02 February 2010 02:57 Ek Madra

Jan Knutsson, Directo r General for the International Development Cooperat- ion at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, informed Chan Tani, Secretary of State of the Office of the Council of Ministers, on Monday that “My visit to Cambodia is discuss the continued the bilateral cooperation, which is very important for our delegates to see the real progress in Cambodia.”

The talks were focused on the a number of key issues, which included the topics of anti-corruption, the improving service delivery, enhance pay and emp-loyment as developing capacity of the government civil servants through more trainings.

In response, Chan Tani told Knutsson that Cambodia, after the Paris Peace Agreement in 1991, has achieved national reconciliations through elections and paved the way for integrations of the armed forces of the four involved parties. But for the interests of the effectiveness of works as well as reducing poverty, Cambodia has to reform in the areas of fighting corruption, demobilization of armed forces as well as administration.

He also told Knutsson that Cambodia must improve in reforming for which contributes the nation to move on the right track of sustainable development and reducing poverty.

Also recalled the vision of Prime Minister Hun Sen who said that “we must reform for surviving, if not we die.”

Chan Tani informed the delegation, who is visiting Cambodia from January 31 to February 2, that: “the anti-corruption draft law is now sent to the National Assembly and is waiting for adopting.”

Knutsson thanked Cambodian side for sharing the information for which he was pleased with the anti-corruption draft law which has been contributed of inputs from the national and international legal experts such as the United Nations for the Development Programme (UNDP), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and also the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The anti-corruption draft law was approved by the session of the cabinet meeting on December, 11 last year, which was chaired by Prime Minister Hun Sen.

Also, in the meeting Paul Pidou, deputy secretary general of the Council for Administrative Reform (CAR), told the delegation that Cambodia has been achieved in a number of reforms and continued to further reforms in the areas of public administration as well as the capacity building of the government civil servants so that they could serving people better.

The government will have other prioritized plans set for the 2009- 2013 which includes the improving of delivery of public service and accountability for serving people better, he said.

Knutsson, in response, thanked Cambodian side for sharing information for the Swedish delegates to better understand the real progress in the said reforms and that Swedish to continue its support the bilateral cooperation with Cambodia.

Sweden has diplomatic ties with Cambodia since April 27, 1991. Cambodia appointed Hor Nambora on April 8, 2004 as Cambodian ambassador, whose diplomatic residence in London, to Sweden.

Swedish Lennart Linner—who was appointed on April 4, 2008 as ambassador, who diplomatic residence in Bangkok, to Cambodia—handed over his credential letter to His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni. On the economic relations: Cambodia exported products to Sweden worth more than US $17 million for 2008. Cambodia imported goods from Sweden was recorded of more than US$4 million.

Cambodia received US$262 million in aid from Sweden for the period 1992- 2008. Sweden pledged in December last year of another US$98 million in aid for Cambodia for 2009– 2011.

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