Wednesday, 24 February 2010

New online provider in Cambodia

via CAAI News Media

February, 23 2010

HA NOI — VTC Online Cambodia, a joint venture between the Viet Nam Multimedia Corporation and a Cambodian partner, officially launched in the kingdom on Sunday.

At the launch ceremony, Cambodian Information Minister Khieu Kanharith said the joint venture would play an important role in the country's telecommunications industry.

He said it would meet the Cambodian people's needs for information on entertainment, education, trade and banking.

The minister also said he hoped the new telecom service provider would contribute to enhancing ties between the peoples of the two countries.

"VTC Online will be exclusively in Khmer and it is due to begin operations this month," said manager Nguyen Viet Hung.

Programmes would initially focus on culture and learning English.

Later this year, e-services would cover trade, banking, sport, music and fashion, he said. — VNS

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