Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Student of the week

via CAAI News Media

Wednesday, 24 February 2010 15:00 Post Staff

Our student of the week will recieve a $50 voucher from Boston Books. If you want to nominate a student or friend e-mail

Despite having to split her time between two universities, Sok Muy Gech has remained one of the top students at both schools.

As a sophomore in architecture, Muy Gech has a 3.89 grade point average at Limkokwing University and a 3.75 average as a scholarship student at the Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL).

In order to get the best education possible, Sok Muy Gech has been living with her grandparents in Phnom Penh since she was a toddler. She said there are many factors to her success in school. “I have always received good scores because not only am I hardworking, I also have a good study environment at home and at my schools,” she said.

From Monday to Friday, Gech spends from 9am to 8:30pm at the two schools. She said that she concentrates on the lectures and even helps to explain concepts to her friends who don’t understand the lessons. After she gets back home, she reviews the lessons and prepares for classes the next day. “I stay up until 11pm or 12pm, and sometimes until 1am if I have a lot of homework and assignments,” she said.

Gech has an excellent command of English and a 6.0 IELTS score. As a student at ELT and Bak Touk High School in Phnom Penh, Sok Muy Gech had already begun to build her academic reputation. “I got the awards as an outstanding student at the ELT almost every term,” she said.

“In my leisure time I love reading, drawing, sketching, surfing on the Internet, listening to music and travelling,” she said. She has found time to volunteer in a number of social activities as well. Her advice to others striving towards academic excellence: Study hard, follow what the teachers say, ask questions and do revision at home.

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