Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Super Casino Set for Vietnam Boarder

via CAAI News Media

A new $100 million super-casino is set to open near the Cambodia-Vietnam boarder by the end of this month, a statement released by owners Royal Group has revealed.

The property – which will be the ninth casino built in the area in recent years – is a four-star, eight-storey gaming Mecca boasting over 200 rooms spread across a six hectare site in the Svay Rieng province.

Dubbed the Titan King resort, the casino resort will employ over 1,500 workers and provide a significant boost to the local economy in what has been a very difficult time for the area given the impacts of the global recession on trade and tourism.

“We started to build our casino when the world economic crisis had not yet struck,” explained the Royal Group’s vice president Kith Thieng. “Construction took three years to complete, but now it is done and the grand opening will be on February 26.”

The recession has already seen two of Vietnam’s most popular casino resorts shut down due to falling revenues, but the Royal Group are hoping their new project can re-ignite the industry by attracting foreign visitors from both China and Malaysia.

News of Titan King’s grand opening at the end of the month follows on from the successful launch of Diamond Casino in the neighbouring Kirivong district, Takeo province of Cambodia, taking the total number of casinos in the area up to 32.

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